Virtual Prayer Room
“Virtual Zoom Prayer Room” Wednesdays. Directly Following 6pm Worship (about 6:30pm)
Personal 5-10 minute prayer per person with Stephen Ministers.
ZOOM Meeting ID 956 2380 9850 Password 777643
“For where two or three are gathered together in my name,
               there am I in the midst of them.”
                                                                                        Matthew 18:20
During these difficult and unpredictable times, St. James’ Pastoral Care Ministry remains a predictable and comforting presence in the life of God’s People. Its newest offering— a place to go for personal and confidential prayer via St. James’ “Zoom Prayer Room” every Wednesday evening from 5 to 5:45pm. Members of St. James’ Prayer Team, through its Stephens Ministries Program, will be available in the Virtual Prayer Room each week to pray with individuals for 5-10 minutes before the 6:00pm Evening Prayer Service on Wednesday’s.
If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, just enter the published zoom meeting ID and password listed below and you will be “ushered” into the waiting room, and then one at a time into the prayer room, where the team will pray peace, comfort and healing over you.
ZOOM Meeting ID 956 2380 9850 Password 777643