Auburn Rescue Mission
With the partnership St. James has with the Auburn Rescue Mission, we have an opportunity to engage the tenants of the Merriman Circle neighborhood in Auburn. The tenants are in a situation where they have recently come out of homelessness and are living in the Merriman Circle neighborhood in an attempt to learn life skills and get a chance to start over.  Opportunities to interact with children include reading, game playing, or activity time for doing fun or creative hobbies or crafts.
Due to the Covid-19 surge, in-person activities have been halted.
Be on the lookout for upcoming Easter activities.  Things are getting better!
If you would like to volunteer or learn more about the Auburn Rescue Mission, please contact Cathy Buck ( or Christina Stagenhagen-Helgren (
Twenty “Merriman Circle” neighbors from the Auburn Rescue Mission and eight St. James volunteers took a
tour of a dairy farm on June 12th. For most it was a “first time on the farm”!

Easter crafts at Merriman Circle.

Mike Brown reading to kids at the Playscape in Auburn during a visit with Rescue Mission.
Upcoming Opportunities:
A new season opens new opportunities for us to to connect in real ways with our neighbors!
I wonder what God has in store for us.  
Cyndi Sharp (RM volunteer coordinator) has organized some wonderful Spring/Summer events. 
This is a great way to take a dip into something new.
Contact Cyndi or Nancy if you would like to try something out.
NEW- Also if You feel led to explore the budding Mental Health Ministry
please contact Beckie Hidy,
Summer Fun!
Every Tuesday last summer up to a dozen St. James’ volunteers (including teens, college kids and all ages) have been joyfully showing up to play with the children in the new housing at Merriman Circle. Activities ranged from soccer, water balloons, “Happy Day” chalk drawing to creating fidget spinners, sharing nutritious snacks and cooling down with Popsicles.
A wonderful surprise was that when moms brought their children they chose to stay during this time for one-on-one conversations. Also, many St. James’ folks showed up to drive residents to the food pantry, deliver meals, build picnic tables and knit-sit with parents.
More openings to volunteer will be coming this fall and plans are in the works possibly including after-school tutoring, budget one-on-one counseling and other new ways to connect by the Spirit’s leading.
We are swimming deeper in meaningful ministry by connecting with our neighbors. The Holy Spirit has opened this flowing River of ministry. We thank the Holy One.
Explore ways you can join in by talking with anyone on the mission team:
Tom Schneider, Chuck Stewart, Tina Stavenhagen-Helgren, Nancy Graham, Kip Coerper,
Becky Coerper, Ellen Kulik, Carolyn Legg, and John Helgren
 Contact Mission team for more info:
Tom Schneider
Tina Stavenhagen